Miss Staniszewska and Mr Holt are supported by Mrs Logan and Miss Hudson within the nursery.
At St. Helen’s we are committed to developing the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that we cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Nursery Workshops
We have designed a series of seven workshops that have been created to support parents in their understanding of different aspects of their child's learning and development. Each workshop provided parents with ideas that they could use with their child at home. We encouraged all parents to attend two workshops prior to their child joining the St. Helen's Nursery in September.
The seven workshops on offer to parents are
Getting Organised
Potty Training
Teaching Talking
Learning through Play
Getting Out and About
Being Healthy
About Being Catholic
Supporting Learning at Home
We recognise the extremely important role that parents play in their child’s education. We want to work in partnership to help parents develop their skills supporting their child’s learning at home. If parents would like any support with developing home learning please see the nursery team.
Every week we give you the opportunity to borrow a book and a toy from our learning library. In addition, the children’s home school books are an opportunity for you record and reflect on your child’s experiences outside of Nursery together. Please read as often as you can and a variety of books.
Parental engagement
At the end of the Autumn and Spring terms parents are invited to our coffee morning. This is an opportunity to look at your child’s work and observations and to speak with the Nursery staff.
Nursery Expectations
There are 2 types of assessments carried out during the children's time in Nursery using the Government non-statutory guidance materials - Development Matters and Birth to 5. Firstly, there's Formative Assessment which is on-going, the staff do this on a daily basis through observations and conversations with the children to make decisions about what they have learnt or can do already so as to help them move on in their learning journey. Secondly there are Summative Assessments, these are carried out at certain points of the year and are used to track attainment and progress.
News & Photos
Celebrating the Lunar New Year. One of our mummy's taught us how to make a traditional Chinese desert and we tried some Dragon dancing.
After looking at the x-rays, we worked together to make a human skeleton from lots of different bones.
We have been learning all about animals / minibeasts that hatch from eggs. We can tell you all about butterflies, chickens, turtles and frogs. Someone said, 'Snails and Slugs lay eggs' so here we are begin explorers looking for their eggs'. Not even a bit of rain can stop us.
The Nursery children have been busy at home enjoying learning with their families. Baking, gardening, cheering for the NHS and participating in the whole focus themes e.g Exploring what is outside their windows. celebrating the Month of Mary, making books, musical instruments and much, much more.
World Mental Health Day. We know that when we are feeling sad or worried, we can tell someone we love.
Forest School Fun - We love being outside, learning about God's wonderful world, growing things and appreciating all the pretty flowers and wonders of nature.
Learning about ourselves - When the skeleton came to visit, we learnt all about the bones in our bodies and then made our own skeleton. We used lot's of bones. Enjoying shapes and number games.
Being Creative - There is always lots of opportunities to 'make and do' at school. We have to really concentrate and pay attention to detail.
Baking - Baking is always lots of fun. We have to read the recipe, measure the ingredients and be patient. The best part is eating what we have cooked.
We love to build things, using our imagination and challenging ourselves. This builds our self-confidence and perseverance skills.
Book Worms - 'We love reading at St Helen's', whether it be inside or outside, with our friends or by ourselves.
Useful Links
These are websites that are useful for developing children’s skills in Nursery to complement their learning in school.
Splash Learn
National Geographic
Switch Zoo
ICT Games – Maths and Literacy games
Teach Handwriting
Letters and Sounds
Busy things
Jolly Phonics
Teach Handwriting
Phonics play
Computing games