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Year Reception

Miss Cascayan (RB) is supported by Mrs Harvey, Miss James- Johnson and Mrs Dezynska. Miss Corsan (RY) is supported by Mrs Elannouti and Mrs Duncan.



At St. Helen’s we are committed to developing the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that we cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

outside reception classinside reception class 1

Supporting Learning at Home

We recognise the extremely important role that parents play in their child’s education. We want to work in partnership to help parents develop their skills supporting their child’s learning at home. If parents would like any support with developing home learning please see the Reception team.

Each week we change the children’s home reading books. The green reading journal should be filled in at least once a week by the parent. Please read a variety of books with your child as often as possible.

Homework will be given out on a Monday each week and must be returned by Friday to your child’s class teacher.

Reception Expectations

There are 2 types of assessments carried out during the children's time in Nursery using the Government non-statutory guidance materials - Development Matters and Birth to 5. Firstly, there's Formative Assessment which is on-going, the staff do this on a daily basis through observations and conversations with the children to make decisions about what they have learnt or can do already so as to help them move on in their learning journey. Secondly there are Summative Assessments, these are carried out at certain points of the year and are used to track attainment and progress.


At the end of the year children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals. Click here to view the Early Learning Goals for all Areas of Learning.

Children are given targets/ next steps to move their learning forward from the Development Matters Framework. Click here to view the Development Matters Framework.

News and Photos

Reception celebrated World Earth day by learning about volcanoes. They made a volcano using paper mache, newspaper, bottles and card. We then used bicarbonate soda and vinegar to make the lava that comes out of the volcano. Lava is red, orange and yellow and is very very hot.

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Reception have learnt how to build bridges and develop their understanding of friendships. We also used classroom resources to build actual bridges.

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Reception have been learning lots of traditional nursery rhymes. Each time we would look at hte meaning of some of the language used in each rhyme. Humpty Dumpty was provided lots of exciting learning especially as the children got to experience the feel of real eggs and how they can break just like Humpty Dumpty.

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We are always looking for opportunities to mark make and write or draw. With the introduction of Tummy Time the children all got to show off their mark making skills whilst having a calm and relaxing time.

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Walking the Dogs:
Reception have been learning about having a positive mindset and looking after our well-being.
We explored the benefits of walking each day. We were so excited when we walked around the park but mostly because we got to walk 3 dogs. Our new friends; Molly, Chip and Sophie.
We discussed how this made us feel happy and energised.

RY have been toasting marshmallows during Forest School.


The Reception children took some puppies for a walk during Citizenship week. This was to look after animals and our own wellbeing. We walked through the park then played fetch!

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Christmas Fun in Reception
Reception have enjoyed many Christmas activities providing such excitement and joy.

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The Old Woman and the Red Pumpkin:
Reception have really enjoyed reading about the old woman and how she tricked the animals.
The children used role play showcasing their excellent acting skills but also they could sequence and retell the story with great confidence.

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The children have been exploring their environment discovering different types of shapes. They then used their maths knowledge to name them. They enjoyed creating shape art using stamps but also shapes they found from around the class.

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​The religion focus has allowed the children to understand the sacrament Baptism. Using role play the children could develop an understanding of the roles played by the clergy and family members in a Baptism. They also learnt the meaning of the holy water. The children enjoyed learning about the sacrament and sharing their experience of Baptism in their own lives.

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The children in RY have been growing some plants for our rooftop garden.

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The reception children have started their journey at St Helen’s this week.
They have settled in very well learning the new routines. The children have explored and familiarised themselves with their new environment and their new teachers.

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Learning through play in Reception

As part of our Foundation stage curriculum, the children are encouraged to be independent learners. The reception environment inspires the children to make their own choices and enables them to demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning.

Playing and exploring
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to ‘have a go.’
Active learning
Being involved and concentrating
Keeping trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically
Having their own ideas
Making links
Choosing ways to do things


Useful Links

These are websites that are useful for developing children’s skills in Reception to complement their learning in school.

English Links

Teach Handwriting
Description: Lots of fantastic videos and work sheets to support letter formation.

Phonics play
Description: This website is packed with games and activities to support your child's learning in Phonics.

Maths Links

ICT Maths games

ICT games
Description: A selection of fun games to support mathematical/literacy/science skills.