Year 5
Year Five
Mrs Bajade (5B), Miss Owusu (5Y) are supported by Miss Kay, Mrs Serieux and Mrs Hunt.
At St. Helen’s we are committed to developing the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. We provide children with a wide range of learning experiences and exciting child lead focuses.
Supporting Learning at Home
In year 5, the children are expected to progress towards being confident and independent learners. We recognise the extremely important role parents play in their child’s education and believe that parental support at home with homework and projects are essential in helping children to achieve in education.
The children are given an hour of maths and English homework each week, as well as spellings to learn and an online reading record to fill in.
We hope the children read widely and for pleasure, to help them the children will always have a reading book borrowed from the class library.
Homework is provided to your child every week on their Google classroom. This homework links to work that they have been doing in class. Please refer to the GSuite Parent Guide to increase your confidence with how to use it when engaging with home learning. Please click here for the guide.
Year Five Expectations
All children are assessed against the Age Related Expectations (ARE) within the different curriculum subjects. The ARE’s are taken from the National Curriculum but are consolidated to reflect what we expect of a child. For example, three or four national curriculum targets might be summarised in one ARE. Judgements are generally based on a variety of different sources but will generally be a combination of on-going formative assessment in class, book work and formal summative testing. The curriculum in Key Stage 2 builds on the knowledge and skills that pupils have been taught at Key Stage 1. Spoken language underpins the development of pupils’ reading and writing. Reading at KS2 consists of two dimensions: word reading and comprehension (both listening and reading). Pupils must be encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Writing is composed of three strands: transcription (spelling and handwriting), composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing) and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.
Useful Links
English Links
Description: Fantastic selection of reading, spelling and writing activities.
BBC Bitesize
Description: This website is packed with games and activities to support your child's learning in school.
Maths Links
Active Learn
Description: Use your child’s login to access lots of fun and interactive games.
ICT games
Description: A selection of fun games to support mathematical skills.