Ms. Sarah Alexander
Chair of Governors
Mr Eghosa Idehen
The Vice Chair
Claudette Mendoza
Foundation Governor
Mr Thomas Hicks
Foundation Governor
Mrs. Julie Boadilla
Foundation Governor
Ms Gwen Joseph
Foundation Governor
Erlinda Balaga
Foundation Governor
Rose Akinjiola
Foundation Governor
Cassandra Senyah
Parent Governor
Sabrina Barnes
Parent Governor
Miss Claire Doherty
Mary Orwell
Staff Governor
Miss Shannon Corsan
Staff Governor
Governors’ Register of Interests 2024-25
Governors' Register of Interest 2023-2024
Governors' Register of Interest 2022-23
Governors' Register of Interest 2021-22
Governors' Register of Interest 2020-21
Governor Attendance 23-24
Govenors Attendance 2022-23
Governors Committee Attendance 2022-23
Governors Attendance 2021-22
Governors Committee Attendance 2021-22
Governors Attendance 2020-21
Governors Committee Attendance 2020-21