Year 1
Year One
Mrs Hawes (1B) and Mrs Cook (1Y) are supported by Mrs Steadman, Mrs Yee, Mrs Yorke, Mrs Dezynska, Miss James-Johnson and Mrs Martini.
At St. Helen’s we are committed to developing the whole child through a broad and balanced curriculum. We ensure that we cover all areas of the National Curriculum.
Supporting Learning at Home
We recognise the extremely important role that parents play in their child’s education. We want to work in partnership to help parents develop their skills supporting their child’s learning at home. If parents would like any support with developing home learning please see the Year 1 team.
Every week we change the children’s home reading books, as well as sending home spellings and homework for the children to learn and complete, please help support your child to try their best.
News & Photos
Class 1B visited the blessed sacrament and had time to pray and personally reflect on the things we are thankful to God for. We know we are always loved by God.
Useful Links
These are websites that are useful for developing children’s skills in year one to compliment their learning in school.
English Links
Phonics Play
Description: A really useful website for learning about real and nonsense words.
Jolly Phonics
Description: A great website to learn the phonics songs and actions.
Teach Handwriting
Description: Lots of fantastic videos and work sheets to support letter formation.
BBC Bitesize
Description: This website is packed with games and activities to support your child's learning in school.
Maths Links
Active Learn
Description: Use your child’s login to access lots of fun and interactive games.
ICT games
Description: A selection of fun games to support mathematical skills.